勞保被保險人受傷或生病,經治療後,症狀固定且無法復原,並經全民健康保險特約醫院診斷為 #永久失能 ,可申請勞保失能給付。
✦更多 #勞工保險 失能給付詳情:https://www.bli.gov.tw/0004838.html
Labor insurance insured persons can apply for labor insurance disability benefits. After they have been treated, their symptoms are fixed and unable to recover, and they are diagnosed by the National Health Insurance Special Hospital as #Permanent Disability When injured or sick.
According to the following circumstances, divided into annuity payment or lump-sum payment:
■Annuity payment
Those who have been assessed as life-long incapacity for work shall meet the disability payment standards or the disability conditions stipulated by the Law on the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act.
■Lump-sum payment
(1) Those who fail to meet the "life-long incapacity" payment item after assessment are in compliance with the disability payment standard.
(2) If the insured has an insurance seniority before January 1, 2009, even though their status meets the payment items of " life-long incapacity", they can also choose to claim the lump-sum payment.
✦More #labor insurance Details of disability benefits: https://www.bli.gov.tw/0004838.html